Digital Drake

Multiplexer avec Virtual Dub Version 1- 4 - 10
If you have just followed the tuorial of FlasKMPEG and/or DVD2AVI, we now will multiplex our movie" THE_CROW.AVI " previously created like its soundtracted extracted int the root of our disk
"C:" named "flaskAudioOut.wav"
This tutorial is divided in 3 chapters :

Chapter - 1 - Open video file ".AVI" and Audio file ".WAV"

We go in the menu "File", we click on "Open video file..." and we recover our video file The_Crow.avi encoded with FlasKMPEG or thecrow.01.avi with DVD2AVI.
Once our file is opened, we obtain two frameworks representing the source IN of our video and its OUT. For more details on this interface, go on "Encoding with Virtual Dub"
We import now our audio file "WAV". For that we go in the "Audio" menu and select the option "WAV Audio".
We recover our file encoded with FlasKMPEG located at the root of our disc " C: " named " flaskAudioOut.wav ".

  Chapter - 2 - Configuration to export Video and Audio

Generation-Video's statistics